Saturday, May 18, 2019

My school Essay

I,________,have been a part of the _________School District my entire life. For me direct has been a mixture of emotions. approximately days I love indoctrinate and learning and other years I shund school and felt as if I would n incessantly amount to anything. The movie acquit and Deliver made me wonder how much better of a student I could have been if all(prenominal) my teachers cared as much as Mr. Escalante. In elementary school I had tangled emotions. I loved school up until about third grade but then I started to hate school. It became harder for me to formulate good grades and Ifelt dumb.Many of my teachers also had my sister, who was an A+ student so they would al delegacys influence statement about how I should follow in her footsteps and such. But I was never as chicness as her or good at school like she was. Once I was in the 3rd grade I began to struggle with all subjects except reading, once this struggle began I started to care less(prenominal) about school a nd grades. Middle school is where things began to turn around for me. In the 6th grade I had Mr. Pollock as one of my teachers.He was the most caring teacher I have ever had,he showed me I could do anything I put my mind too and he pushed me to succeed the way Mr. Escalante pushed his students. In the movie Mr. Escalante says Students will rise to the level of expectations and this is exactly what my teacher did to me, he coterie the expectations lofty and then pushed me to exceed them. High school was another good experience. I always was a teachers pet and got good grades without really trying. I never studied while in senior naughty school school and was very involved in extracurricular activities.This was good for me then but has caused me problems now. Now that I am in college and have to study and really work hard I dont do as good as I would like. In my opinion my past schooling has set me up to fail in college. in time though I was taught the things I needed to be taught . I didnt learn to push myself. I got by either just barely or casual with flying colors I, Thanh Nguyen, I have been grown up in Vietnam, so I went to elementary, middle, high school there. And the education is a lots harder here in States.For me school has been a mixture of emotions. Some years I loved school and learning and other years I hated school and felt as if I would never amount to anything. In elementary school I had mixed emotions. I loved school up until about 5rd grade but then I started to hate school In my opinion my past schooling has set me up to fail in college. Even though I was taught the things I needed to be taught. I didnt learn to push myself. I got by either just barely or passing with flying colors

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